Upland game bird shooting preserves in Montana are increasing in numbers. For buyers seeking upland bird hunting property, they represent a compelling option. This article will discuss what an Upland Game Bird Farms and Shooting Preserve is, and the requirements for obtaining a Montana Upland Game Bird Farms and Shooting Preserve license.
Shooting preserves offer extended hunting seasons. Montana Upland Game Bird Farms and Shooting Preserves allow the shooting of captive reared and released upland game birds from September 1 through March 31. Clients that hunt on shooting preserves are required to have a valid Montana resident ($6) or non-resident ($110) upland game bird license and a Montana conservation license. Non-residents may choose instead to purchase a 3-day, non-resident shooting preserve bird hunting stamp for a fee of $20.
Shooting Preserves typically have no bag limits(or larger bag limits), and usually limit the daily number of hunters on the preserve. Preserves may be open to the general public, or may be restricted to hunters with private memberships. Shooting Preserves may include amenities such as trained hunting dogs, airport pickup, meals, clubhouse, lodging, sporting clays, and game bird processing.
Shooting preserves are increasingly being used for Upland Bird Hunting Property, specifically Pheasant Hunting Property and Partridge Hunting Property.
All captive reared birds released on a shooting preserve must be marked prior to release in a manner that distinguishes them from wild upland game birds.
A minimum of 100 upland game birds must be released from September 1 to March 31 every year the shooting preserve is licensed.
All birds harvested on a shooting preserve must be marked with a “stick on tag” purchased through the department ($0.10 apiece) before the birds leave the shooting preserve.
Licensees cannot harvest more than 80% of the birds that are released on a shooting preserve.
A shooting preserve register must be used to record the names of the clients that hunted, their ALS number, the number of birds harvested by the client, the number of wild birds that were inadvertently harvested, and the tag numbers that were applied to all harvested birds.
Signs are required to be posted every 250 feet along the border of the shooting preserve.
Licensing of a shooting preserve in Montana requires that the department evaluate any potential environmental affects concerning public safety, the human environment, and the existing wildlife populations. The environmental evaluation and an inspection of the required signs must be completed prior to issuance of a license for a shooting preserve.
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